Interested in learning how to bring up cuckolding with your partner?
Well, it’s a good thing you stumbled onto this blog post! Bringing up cuckolding with your partner (no matter if you’re a man or woman) can be a really nerve-racking thing.
After all, it seems like such a weird request! But that doesn’t mean your partner won’t be interested.
After all, if you’re in love, your partner will want to make your fantasies come true.
So this post will cover 8 simple ways to bring up cuckolding from your partner.
Read them and pick out which one is easier for you to try with your partner!
1. Talk about old boyfriends
One of the best ways to bring up cuckolding with your partner is to talk about your ex boyfriends.
And this is a great way because you’re going to have to talk about your exes at some point, right? 🙂
So why not make it a little kinky!
Obviously if you’ve been in a relationship for a while you’ve probably talked about your past boyfriends or flings.
Well, you are going to do that here, but with a little kinky twist.
Instead of talking about the usual things like how long the relationship lasted or where you met, etc. you’re going to talk about something a little more kinky.
The topic on hand is what was your best sexual experience with your past partners!
You can have your boyfriend list out his, and then you can bring up yours.
This is a great way to bring up cuckolding because it gets your boyfriend/husband used to the idea of you sleeping around with other guys.
Another thing you can do is to try to “recreate” those past sexual experiences.
For example, if you had great sex with your ex on the beach – try to recreate that entire experience with your current partner.
And another thing that you can do is let him know what your exes have texted you or called you (i.e. show him the messages).
This lets him know that you are still desirable and someone may swoop you away from him!
2. Roleplay around
I have always said that roleplaying is a great way to bring your partner in on the idea of cuckolding!
One roleplaying game that you can play is the “cheating wife”.
For example, you could be the wife of a rich businessman.
Your husband makes a ton of money, but he’s never around. So when the pool boy comes in today, you hatch a plan to sleep with him!
Or maybe you are a sexy lady on a business trip in a different city.
You go to a local hotel bar and try to meet up with a new guy since your husband isn’t there!
Roleplaying is a great way to get your husband used to the idea of you sleeping with other guys.
And he’ll be able to see (and feel) how turned on you get from engaging in such activities!
So pick out a sexy roleplaying fantasy and try to fulfill it!
3. Comment about his friends
Another great idea to bring up cuckolding (or at least hint at it) is to comment on his friends.
Obviously his friends have flirted and hit on you at some point throughout the years. Maybe it was a little subtle or maybe they were a little more direct and obvious.
But next time his friends say something with a sexual innuendo or flirted with you or sent you a naughty text, share that with your husband.
Let him know what you may one day spontaneously decide to sleep with one of his friends…
Or if you want to take things to another level, you can actually flirt back with one of his friends as well!
How do you do this?
Well, one thing you can do is get hands on with his friends. What do I mean by this?
Well, touch their muscles. Comment on how big and strong they are.
Say things like “have you been working out lately?” – guys LOVE that!
Anyways, if he comments about you flirting with his friends later at night, tease him about it.
Say things like:
“Why? Didn’t you like it? I saw how hard you were getting” – say this while rubbing his cock or kissing his neck.
If you do this a few times, he’ll be begging you to cuckold him in no time!
P.S. check out this blog post for more ideas on how you should flirt with his friends!
4. Bring up an article about cuckolding
Another way to get cuckolding on your husband’s radar is to send him an article about it (from a mainstream site).
This works best if he has no idea about cuckolding or if you haven’t talked about it before at all.
Basically send him a mainstream article about cuckolding from one of the major sites like Vox or
It’ll basically be an article about cuckolding with a few stories sprinkled inside.
Anyways, share that article with your husband and said one of your girlfriends sent that to you.
For example, you could show him the article about it on your phone.
When you do this, gauge his reaction to it.
Did he comment on it?
Did he like it? Was he trying to hide anything?
You’ll have to do a little body language reading and read in between the lines.
Anyways, depending on his reaction, you could joke around with him by saying something like:
“You’d like it if I went out on a date with someone else, wouldn’t you?”
He’ll probably deny it at first, but you know what he really wants!
5. Watch porn together
Another thing you can do to get your partner interested in cuckolding is to watch porn together.
Lots of couples watch porn together so it’s perfectly normal.
But instead of watching the normal stuff that you usually watch, try something new this time.
Say something like: “Hey, I thought it would be fun if we watch this video. I saw it the other day and it looked really hot.”
Watch the video and stroke each other too. Don’t just lay in bed like you’re watching Lion King or something!
Anyways, if you partner liked the video a lot, you could say something like “maybe we should try that sometime.”
And another thing you can do is try to recreate the porn scene in your own bedroom!
That’s pretty kinky, right?
6. Read erotica together
One great way to bring up cuckolding with your partner is to read erotica together.
I think this is a lot better than watching cuckold porn for a few reasons.
First of all, you can read erotica to your partner. This is helpful because you can use a really sultry voice to turn him on.
The other thing is he can hear the excitement in your voice as you are narrating the scene.
The second thing is reading cuckold erotica is a better way to engage the motions of your partner.
They can really feel the emotions from from the characters and how the person getting cuckolded in the story is feeling!
And personally, I find it’s much easier to connect with a character in a story than it is through a video.
So pick out some sexy erotica and read it to your partner.
And to make sure he really gets the message, stroke him while you’re reading as well! This will require a little multi-tasking on your part, but it is well worth it when you turn him into your little cuckold slave!
7. Bring it up after sex
Communication is a big part of any cuckold relationship as I have written about in the past.
In my experience, one of the best ways to bring up cuckolding with your partner is after sex.
This is naturally a great time to talk about your sex life as you will both be in a relaxed mood.
Bring it up by saying something along the lines of “hey, there’s something I wanted to try” or “hey maybe we should try this next time.”
The hardest part is always bringing it up, but if you don’t you’ll never reap all the great benefits of cuckolding!
To be honest, it’s kind of like ripping a band-aid off. You just need to get it over with and spill the beans 🙂
8. Play the celebrity cheat pass
You know how some people have a celebrity cheat pass?
I forgot when I first saw this, but I think it may have been an episode of Friends.
Anyways, a celebrity cheat pass is when you give your partner a hall pass to “cheat” on you with their dream celebrity.
If you’ve never played this game with your partner, I’d suggest trying as it is kind of fun!
You’ll talk about why you chose this celebrity and what your sex filled night would consist of.
But I want you to take it a step further.
Instead of talking about celebrities, talk about people in your lives.
The question would be something like this:
“If we weren’t married or had never met, who would you want to be with in our lives?”
Basically, you are trying to get your partner to see who you would like to sleep with with someone that you mutually know.
And this is a fun game too. Because you can really tease him about it and say “I’d sleep with your best friend.”
It’s just a really fun way to bring up cuckolding with your partner and kind of tease him too.
How To Bring Up Cuckolding With Your Partner – Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are a lot of ways to bring up cuckolding with your partner.
Not all of these will apply to your specific situation, but hopefully you found some of them useful!
The best advice I have is to be patient and honest. Cuckolding isn’t something most vanilla people are aware of so it can be a shock to them when you bring it up for the first time.
But be patient and understanding and answer their questions honestly and you’ll be able to set them on the right path!
Jeff says
I recommend 5 and 6 first. Watch his reaction carefully. If he’s uncomfortable, chances are he’s not going to be into it. If he seems turned on, it may be safe to bring it up.
Bob 3 says
My wife (girlfriend at the time) brought up an ex boyfriend as we were fucking. She described his cock in detail and how much large he was than me. I came quickly and she continued telling me about his beautiful cock as i was going down on her. I would always clean her pussy after i shoot my load in her puss! She told me how much she missed his cock and that she would like to fuck him with me watching. Finally i gave in and she invited him to visit. I will admit I was excited! He can and they seemed to get along and i actually liked him. He undressed and i was like wow, nice cock. He was 8.5″ and thick. They made love, basically he fucked the hell out of her. I jerked off two huge loads as i was watching them.
When he was done, she told me it was my turn. As i moved forward to mount her she said, “no baby, Kevin wants to watch you eat his load from my pussy!”. I hesitated, but knes if i ever wanted to fuck her again i needed to do as she asked. Kevin stayed two weeks and fuck her at least twice a day with me cleaning her pussy each timd. At the end of the two weeks i was eating her pussy as they fucked and even sucking Kevin’s cock! That was more than 20 years ago and I’m still cleaning her pussy and sucking her lover’s cocks. Kevin lives in England and visits the US with his family. He still fucks my wife and i still suck his cock, but his wife does not know. 😇
Tim says
Also need help from the male side trying to talk the wife into cuckolding us guys. This isn’t the easiest either
Roseanne says
We had never even discussed it until one day out of the blue, my husband cleaned his own cum from my pussy and shocked the crap out of me. We did talk about it afterward, and it was the beginning of a good thing for us both.
MyFemdomRules says
Wow pretty crazy! Glad it worked out!