What is the perfect bull for your cuckold marriage? What kind of qualities should you be looking for?
After all, you are involving another person in a very, very intimate part of your marriage. Sure, sometimes picking a random hottie at the bar for a one night stand is fun and spontaneous and all…
However, having a regular bull (or bulls) in your cuckold relationship is something you should strive for.
Why? Well, because it creates a more intimate experience and having a bull who REALLY knows your body is incredible!
Like picking a new car, a bull should be someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and fun ride (pun intended).
Carefully selecting a bull can really make it or break it for your cuckold relationship. That’s why you should spend a lot of time with your cuck carefully selecting a regular bull for your relationship.
Here are 9 qualities of the ideal bull for your cuckold relationship
- 1. He understands cuckolding
- 2. He asks questions
- 3. He gets along with your partner
- 4. He doesn’t want romance from you
- 5. He is CLEAN…of STDs!
- 6. He is discreet
- 7. He has the proper aura
- 8. He Isn’t afraid to interact with your cuck
- 9. A good bull is very open minded
- How To Use The Perfect Bull Checklist?
- Ideal Qualities of a Bull – Final Thoughts
1. He understands cuckolding
A good bull will understand the dynamics of cuckolding and how each person plays their role (hotwife, cuckold, and bull).
Ideally the person has experience in the kink, but obviously that’s not always possible and it shouldn’t be a requirement.
But if he doesn’t have experience, he should definitely put in the work to research and ask questions when needed.
A bull will know how to interact with not only you, but your cuckold as well. Each couple is different, but it’s nice to have a bull who can really humiliate a cuckold and really get into his head!
And before you select a regular bull, you should make sure he understands expectations.
A new bull isn’t something that should be taken lightly. After all, you are inviting someone into your marriage!
It is important to have the proper expectations. This is something you should have discussed with your cuckold ahead of time.
For example, will this be a live-in bull? If so, know that it will require a lot more work for all 3 parties.
Is the bull allowed to come over to your house? Maybe you have young kids and you don’t want to confuse or involve them in this in any way (completely understandable).
In which case, your bull should have his own place where you can have fun. The alternative is to have a host of nearby hotels you can use.
A bull that understands expectations is something that is super important for this 3-way relationship to work and blossom.
Your bull should not try to force anything you two do not want. And if he does, drop him quick!
2. He asks questions
Think of the bull selection process like an interview. And in a healthy interview, BOTH parties should ask questions.
A potential bull knows that he is being invited to participate in an intimate part of someone’s marriage: their sex life!
As a result, he should have a lot of questions. It would be a big red flag if he doesn’t ask questions, state his intentions, or do even a little research at all.
Your bull should have lots of questions to determine expectations. After all, you don’t want him to assume anything. Communication of all parties is super important in the bull-hotwife-cuckold relationship.
Overall, it should be a concern if a potential bull doesn’t ask questions or do any research before jumping into this.
Usually when that is the case, they are usually just about the sex and not about building a proper hotwife/bull/cuck relationship.
3. He gets along with your partner
As I mentioned before, a bull just doesn’t interact with the wife/girlfriend. He has to interact with the boyfriend/husband as well.
As a result, good chemistry with your man is also a must!
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean they need to go to football games and chug beers at the bar together like college buddies, but having some chemistry together is a good thing.
Ideally your bull should be a firm alpha and be able to lead your cuck around like the dog that he is!
In other words, your bull and husband should be able to get along just fine without any issues.
The good thing is the chemistry test is usually easy to figure out based on a gut feeling.
4. He doesn’t want romance from you
One thing that is absolutely important is that the bull respects your marriage/relationship.
After all, he is participating in part of your sexual life, but not always part of your marriage life.
Your bull isn’t trying to compete with your husband for your love or trying to romance you or steal you away from your husband.
He understands his role and what he is there to provide. He respects your relationship with his husband and doesn’t try to split you apart or do anything shady.
Usually when couples ignore this rule, they get into a sticky situation.
A cuckold relationship is not the same thing as a love triangle! Leave that to teenage drama shows…

5. He is CLEAN…of STDs!
A bull should always be willing to use a condom whenever you ask – no ifs, ands, or buts.
If he tries to pressure you to go bareback when you don’t want to, it should be a dealbreaker. You shouldn’t have to compromise on requirements at all!
Eventually if you trust your bull and know he doesn’t have multiple partners, you can go bareback. But even in that situation, he should regularly get tested (as should you).
STDs are no fun, so being proactive in preventing them from spreading is very important for everyone involved.
While this is a very unsexy topic when it comes to cuckolding this is probably the most important thing to discuss!
6. He is discreet
For many hotwife couples, cuckolding is a very intimate and important part of their lives. But it is also part of their private life – meaning they don’t exactly go around blabbing about it to their family and friends.
As a result, having a bull that is discreet is super important for some couples.
What does this mean?
This means, he doesn’t post pictures of you together on social media.
He shows up on time and does his “job”. He isn’t talking about it or bragging about this little thing to his friends.
7. He has the proper aura
The perfect bull also has the proper aura. It’s something that is hard to describe but you “know it when you see it.”
A bull is confident and projects himself as such. He’s a real man’s man. And it’s not just about his performance in the bedroom!
It’s the way he carries himself. He’s well dressed. He has his life together and knows what he can provide for a cuckold couple.
8. He Isn’t afraid to interact with your cuck
A good bull isn’t afraid to let the husband get involved in the action too!
This could be something like having your cuckold serve him in some way such as: licking his balls or sucking his cock or putting a condom on him.
Having your cuckold husband involved in the sexual acts is a very erotic experience so having a bull that really enjoys that is a big plus and will really enhance the experience.
Now, this isn’t a requirement for every couple so keep that in mind.
9. A good bull is very open minded
A good bull will be adventurous both inside and outside the bedroom.
What does this mean?
Well, if you are down to do a spontaneous hotwife trip to the beach in Miami, he is down. If you want to try a new sex position or fetish or something, he is willing to give it a try.
A good bull is always ready to experiment in the bedroom and doesn’t try to make you feel bad about wanting to try new things.
He also listens to both you and your husband in terms of what you are looking for in a potential play partner.
A bull just doesn’t do whatever he wants and expect you to be grateful for it.
If you want more humiliation in your cuckolding dynamic, he should be willing to accommodate you.
Cuckolding isn’t just a one-way street so he should be flexible.
How To Use The Perfect Bull Checklist?
So…how should you use the perfect bull checklist?
Well, the first thing to keep in mind is that this is a general list. Not everything I wrote about will apply to your relationship/marriage.
So, create your own list of requirements (which may include some of this). And then keep that list handy when you’re considering a new bull to participate in your relationship.
If you find him lacking in too many of these areas, dump him! Remember, there will always be another potential bull!
Ideal Qualities of a Bull – Final Thoughts
Overall, picking a new bull for your cuckold relationship is such an exciting process.
It is truly something erotic that every couple should experience! Hopefully this list will help you pick the best bull for your cuckold marriage.
P.S. do you think I missed anything from this list?
Leave a comment below and let me know!